
News and events and other information from Assets.

March 22, 2024

Bus Fund: Update!


Thank you to all for generously donating.  Our Bus is up and running!  Our folks are now able to access their community and work place!

Dear Friends,

Assets has never made a direct appeal for donations , but we are in a position requiring us to do so now.

Assets provides bus transportation to over fifty persons with disabilities who work on the JBER Military base. We do so without financial assistance.

One of our buses was replaced with a newer one allowing the older bus to be transferred to our Community Service Department.

This department depended on the bus to bring people to art and cooking groups, transportation for fishing and other cultural events

and as part of our Emergency Evacuation Plan. It has suffered a major mechanical issue we cannot afford to repair.

Please consider making any amount of donation.

By clicking the link below, you can make a secure donation online at: